Spent the bit of nice day I had before it started downpouring redrilling some of the holes in the base of my telescope project. I realized that their previous locations interfered with the y motor’s placement. A few quick holes later, and we were back on track. This project is coming along quite nicely, and I am hoping that by the beginning of August, I should have at least the y motor operational, if not both of them. Once that is accomplished, all of the work shifts to cranking out some more python code and figuring out how the optics should be configured. Today also marked the first day my new and improved cryptocurrency trading bot was set on its maiden journey, armed with my exchange information, and a sketchy idea of what it should be trying to do. So far, it has only made one trade, and unfortunately, I had forgotten to add a line for logging, which I amended after the fact. But I am hopeful, and now that I can judge the trades being made, excited to see what it is capable of out in the real world.