07 January, 2022
Song of the Day: No Halo - Sorority Noise
Spent my time after work working on the video to ascii frames converter. After completing that, I also began work on creating files to store the frames.
I originally began with each character being expressed by 1 of 8 foreground colors, 1 of 8 background colors, and 1 of 8 ascii characters. (Here I use foreground to reference the color of the character itself.) Via this method, the FG and BG colors can be expressed by a minimum of 3 bits each. That leaves me with 2 bits to express all possible characters, which only allows for 4 possible characters. So, at the cost of half of my previous color resolution (via characters taking up various amounts of space), I can fit each character of each frame into a single byte for storing.
More work on the actual file layout and other considerations will have to come tomorrow.