23 March, 2022

Song of the Day: Nobody Likes The Opening Band - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME

Quick update before my head hits the keyboard.

I managed to impress myself today. I spent it working on both my FDL paper for this week as well as my PSoft HW that was due last night, but that I have 2 late days to use on. I had been a bit stymied starting it, and I haven’t had the lightest week coursework-wise leading into it, so the PSoft had taken a backseat.

It was radically different than anything the class had asked of me before, and a good bit different than most of my other CS courses as well. Not to mention being entirely in Java, I had to create an abstract class, make a wrapper for the tester to use, all the accompnying classes and functions as I saw fit, an tests to prove that the whole thing works as well.

Today alone, I must have written 600 lines of Java, a language I am painfully unfamiliar with, while also switching back and forth to write sections of the Fluids lab report as required and answer questions on it from my teammates. I honestly surprised with how well I did. I certianly wouldn’t have imagined I was capable of switching back and forth between those mindsets so quickly.

To be fair, I have no desire to be in that postion again any time soon.

For PSoft, I managed to complete the coding portion of the assignment and collect all of the autograder points after starting only today. I am incredibly proud of that. I cannot stress this enough: I DO NOT PROGRAM IN JAVA. It is incredibly foreign to me, and I havent had the time, nor inclination, to become nay good at it.

Which leads me to the main gripe of this post. Whoever implemented the .equals() function in Java, I am going to find you, and I am going to send you some VERY strongly worded emails. The idea that the standard equivalency operator “==” does not check whether two STRINGS are the same or not BOGGLES MY MIND. I cannot begin to work out just how much of my time today was dealing with the issues that arose from me naively checking string equivalencies with “==”. It was a hell of a lot.

But, that’s a problem for another night, when I have some actual free time.

For now, I can sleep soundly knowing that I will never touch the language again after I finish this class.

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