27 March, 2022

Song of the Day: Majestic - Wax Fang

Datathon Day 2:

Looking at my NDVI maps, it looked like this year so far was having a much lower NDVI score than the previous year by the same point. So, today’s work ended up largely being downloading vast swaths of NDVI images from past years and comparing them to the recorded grain production to see whether they were correlated or not, and if so, attempt to predict what their effect on this years harvest would have been.

Unfortunately, the images I was working with were huge, and took quite a while to process, so I only ended up being able to compare the past 3 full years, not enough to even think about drawing any conclusions.

At some point, I might take some time and run the values for the rest of the years going back to 2001, just to see what I get, but that likely won’t happen for a while going off of how busy I have been.

I enjoyed the time I was able to spend at the datathon, and would definitely do it again!

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