31 March, 2022
Song of the Day: The Banshee’s Cry - The Irish Rovers
Around some classwork today, I managed to put in some work on my system setup repo. I’m still mulling over in my mind how exactly I’m going to coordinate the bashrc changes, aliases generation/management, and software installation, so I chose instead to make something that I figured would be a bit easier and that I’ve wanted for a while now. I got to work on a script that generates boilerplate code when given a filetype and name. After some elbow grease today, it can manage a number of different file layouts, as well as more complicated folder configurations, like repositories. It is also capable of setting variables left in the layouts. I wanted to have the date a script was created get generated automatically for my python files, so I included a {{@date}} in the layout, which along with other variables has been recognized as data that the software needs to replace.