15 June, 2022
Song of the Day: Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
Spent the morning working with Steve on the Blue Origin camera. EG2 hasn’t used the combination of lens size and sensor size required before, so the calibration required some extra work. In the process of this, I learned how to mount cameras to the gimbal as well as drive it with both its own software and OpNav’s C++ code.
Hopefully, no extra effort will be required to process the calibration images we were able to take.
Later on, I was left to myself, so I started working on the side project I mentioned yesterday. I quickly mapped out the data structures and methods that I would be using, and set to work implementing them to interface with tetra, EG6’s in-house star identification suite, which I became familiar with over the course of last semester. For the moment, I am coining it skyan, shortened from sky analysis. It’s not a NASA-level acronym, but hey, it’s a work in progress. I managed to get the basics pretty well fleshed out, and I hope that when I get access to some test images tomorrow, it should work with no issues.