Wednesday, 03 August, 2022

Song of the Day: The Gates - Da Vinci’s Notebook

A lot of today was spent attending exit presentations/dry-runs for two of the friends I’ve made in EG2.

Around that, I managed to successfully integrate the calibration functions into my analysis, with interesting results. It seems that our calibration functions are much pickier than the attitude determination ones that I had been using up until this point. It is believed, at this moment, that that is due to the higher level of precision required for the calibration functions.

In addition, I was able to get through reading one of my JPEG test files, though the quality of the resulting integer arrays was less than stellar. I’ll have to remember to include a picture here once I have access to one. While I was originally ecstatic at this output, believing (naively) that the presence of some output would make the program easy to debug, after much attempted debugging, I must admit that the project as a whole has me bested.

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