Thursday, 22 September, 2022
Song of the Day: Au revoir (Adios) - The Front Bottoms
Helped my roommate, Garrett, expand the utility of his work-in-progress weather station. The code now spits out a csv file at the end of the day in addition to the graph. This should help if he ever wants to look at the wider changes in temperature over time. He was looking for a way to keep a running temperature scan from the pi in a window on his laptop. After explaining to him the required code infrastructure required to establish that kind of connection, I turned him instead to creating a discord bot to run on the pi, which he could ping to request whatever information he might want. With some minor direction on my part, he was able to read through some guides on creating a bot and by the end of the night, had a script that would listen for several viable commands and respond in kind. He even figured out how to get his bot to respond with an image of one of his graphs. I wasn’t even sure that was possible. Wicked proud of him, and he seems very excited about continuing development on the project.
As for my own projects, after finishing up an AI homework, I was able to solder a few more connections on my stepper motor controller. Only a few more to go, and then I should hopefully be done for good with it. Really wishing I started with a larger prototype board. This one is starting to feel very small.