Sunday, 01 January, 2023

Song of the Day: We All Lift Together - The Longest Johns

Well, you can never have too many projects…

While I was hanging around with a few friends back in Massachusetts, I was hit by the thought of “what would Conway’s Game of Life look like with the cells split into different factions?” Vincent Rizzari said he was interested in building it and so we did. It has taken on a bit of a new life since then, but I am very happy with how it has been going.

Basically, there is a map of Cells, which can each have a Faction (Mandatory) and a Unit (Optional). Players can maneuver units belonging to their Faction with the intent of reducing the size of other Factions’ land and capturing their Capital.

We have also thought about optimizing the game to be playing by AI/ML players that we could create.

The game itself would be played in the terminal, with each character representing a cell. For example:


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