23 June, 2022
Song of the Day: Self Destructive Anthem - Days N’ Daze
I want to stomp on the DCAM.
It’s been a very long day.
The Good:
- I finally met my mentor! He’s great, and I’m looking forward to working with him for the rest of the summer
- I have all of the libraries installed on the Gimbal computer
- We have been able to make a number of fixes to the codebase
The Bad:
- I looked like a fool in front of my boss. I regret not spending some time refreshing my knowledge of C++ in the past few weeks.
- My mentor and I spent 4-5 hours debugging today and we are still seeing errors
The Results:
- We still can’t communicate successfully with the DCAM
- I have become very aggravated with myself and that damned camera
It’s looking like tomorrow will be our last day with the camera. If we can’t pull it together tomorrow, we’ll have to pass it on to the HOTH without calibrating it.
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