24 June, 2022

Song of the Day: Seven Seas of Rhye - Queen


I came into work this morning refreshed and ready to take another shot at the DCAM code. To my great surprise, within 20 minutes, I was able to get around the issue my mentor and I were experiencing yesterday and run the code exactly as desired. It was only 9:20, and the last of the issues were out of the way. I still had a while before my mentor would be in, so I set about fixing some of the simplifications we made yesterday in order to get the code to “just work”. In doing so, I realized that we had ran into a scoping issue with one of our subclass definitions, and managed to rectify it. At this point, the code was operational completely as desired. There was no more work to be done on it.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get decent pictures out of the camera to perform the calibrations with. We ran into some issues with “hot pixels” being confused for the faux-stars we were attempting to photograph.

(Picture to come of me standing with the camera mounted on the gimbal)

The craziest moment of all of this occurred while I was helping my boss transfer the DCAM from the table to the gimbal. My mentor made me aware that the camera I was carrying costs a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. I can’t believe I had something that expensive in my hands today. I can’t believe the quarter of a million dollar camera had hot pixels either.

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