Wednesday, 27 July, 2022

Song of the Day: Enemy - Imagine Dragons

Got my presentation out of the way today!

Very glad to have that over with. Presenting has never been one of my strong suits, and the issues I’ve encountered trying to validate my results over the past week had made it a but more nerve-racking.

I learned a lot today. I had been working with the knowledge that I was essentially using the OpNav code as a black box, since it is so massive and complicated I don’t truly understand it, but today I came to the realization that to some extent, the code I was writing was becoming a black box as well. There is just so much that I don’t know, about optics, cameras, star identification, reasons behind constants that I stumbled across and just taken for granted, etc.

I realized that while I have written code to solve the problem that I had been given, I lacked the technical knowledge required to spot problems in the results or define relevant edge cases. This was a particularly difficult realization to come to, especially because I pride myself on creating algorithms that handle edge cases very well.

I got a good bit of feedback on where to go moving forward with the code, and overall, people seem to be happy with the work I have done.

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