Thursday, 28 July, 2022

Song of the Day: Why Am I The One - Fun.

Some good news coming out of yesterday…

Speaking with my mentor today, he mentioned that after I presented the current state of my tool, one of the other engineers who works more closely with the star catalogs was able to come up with a reason why using the older catalogs wasn’t giving the results we were expecting.

Apparently, we have different precision levels required for attitude determination and calibration. My math had been done using the calibration figures, and as a result, the attitude determination portion (which required less precision) was able to remain operational far longer than my numbers had claimed. With this realization, we decided that going forward, my tool should also attempt to see if it can calibrate off of an image with the star catalog it has access to.

With the higher level of precision required, we are expecting the number of stars we can get away with removing to be far lower than the ones we were seeing for attitude determination. I started writing the code to add that in as extra functionality today, and I hope to finish it up on Monday.

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