Sunday, 14 May, 2023

PROJECT(s): shop_infrastructure

Song of the Day: Birds of a Feather - Fish in a Birdcage

Rebooting shop_infrastructure to hold posts and images related to the changes I make to my equipment.

Today’s work focused on updating and improving my 3D printer. It has been neglected for a while now, and now that I am starting to redesign and print parts for deep_thought, I have noticed a significant departure in terms of print quality since it was new. Modifications include:

Overall, I’d say that the upgrade was a success. I did have a bit of a hard time trying to determine which software I could run given the 4.2.7 board and BL touch combo, but thankfully I was able to find one based on Marlin that seems to be working well enough. Possibly the most surprising bit of today’s antics was finding that the original Benchy model is hard to come by on Thingiverse, so I had to settle for the Aircraft Carrier version that I remembered from a few years back.



Other than an odd bit of z-banding on the benchy, I’d say that the results are looking pretty good.

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