Monday, 05 June, 2023
PROJECT(s): nasa_summer_2023
Song of the Day: SONG - Band
I’m back in Texas! First day back at JSC, and couldn’t be happier. Looking like this summer I’ll be back in EG2 again, this time focusing on working on the OCILOT (acronym explanation coming once I figure it out). What it would seem to boil down to is getting a hardware-in-the-loop control system set up as a lower fidelity version of what we have in the HOTH. I had been pretty nervous as to how much of the system I was going to be in charge of and what the overall expectations for the summer would be, but (so far at least) those fears were misplaced, and I rather than writing that code, it seems that my responsibility will be in setting up all of the hardware required to run the software testbed. For today, that encompassed finding a backdoor into a 6 year old linux instance and formatting an external SSD to prep an OS transfer from a newer computer. Hopefully once I transfer the OS tomorrow, I can get started on actually interfacing the computer with the camera.
Also, big shout out to JSC tech support! I spent 3 hours with them today trying to get my laptop set up so that I could actually use it. They are all amazing down there.