Thursday, 15 June, 2023
PROJECT(s): nasa_summer_2023
Song of the Day: Gentleman Soldier - The Dubliners
So, I think that gap should have just about dispelled any notion that I’ll be doing daily posts like last summer.
I am so happy to be back, but I will admit that some of the novelty and new-ness has worn off, not to mention that what I work on from day to day has become more complicated and difficult to write about. At this point, I’m looking at roughly 6 projects, including assisting in the calibration of a whole bunch of cameras this summer. At the moment, I am being held up on getting the OCILOT set up by not having the requisite libraries to build the software. In the meantime, I have taken to assisting in the planned hardware upgrade to the HOTH, as well as running the analysis tool I built last summer on the images taken during the Artemis I mission. That last one has been really cool. After spending so much time on it last summer, it is really cool to see it in action working on the actual dataset.
On a more personal note, I am taking full advantage of my time this summer to broaden my horizons and participate in non-work activities. I’m learning how to actually play chess, have planned and taken beach trips, and today I had my first bagpiping lesson from a guy at JSC. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to say that I can do more than walk up and down the scale.